Thursday, December 16, 2010

Women In Film & Video's Image Makers program

The Women In Film & Video’s "Image Makers" program is looking for high school students who have an interest in TV and film. The program will teach students how to create, film and edit their own public service announcement (PSA) for a local non-profit group.

The Image Makers program is FREE and the program is a great way for students to learn about film production. Students will have an opportunity to get their hands dirty with real cameras and editing equipment (and they will be able to keep the PSA for their resume!). There's also a possibility that the PSA may air locally in DC on WJLA or NewsChannel 8.

The Image Makers program will run for 10 consecutive Saturdays beginning January 29th through April 2nd. The workshops are primarily held at Interface Video on 20th St. NW from 9AM to 1PM.

To complete an application, interested students should visit the WIFV webpage and 
download the application form.

All student applications are due by Friday, 
January 14th, 2011 at 5PM.

If you have any questions, contact Caroline Carr Greco (
at 440-552-1358 (cell) or 703-908-4106 (work).

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program - Applications due January 7, 2011!

The Science and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (SEAP) provides an opportunity for students to participate in research at a Department of Navy (DoN) laboratory during the summer.

SEAP places academically talented high school students who have an interest and ability in science and mathematics as apprentices in DoN laboratories for eight weeks during the summer. These students work with scientists and engineers who will also serve as mentors. The program offers students a unique and positive experience in their fields of interest, thus encouraging them to pursue careers in science and engineering.

The apprentice program is designed to:
  • Encourage students to pursue science and engineering careers;
  • Acquaint qualified high school students with the activities of Department of Navy (DoN) laboratories through summer science and engineering research experiences;
  • Provide students with opportunities in and exposure to scientific and engineering practice and personnel not available in their school environment;
  • Expose students to DoN research and engineering activities and goals in a way that encourages a positive image and supportive attitude toward the defense community; and
  • Prepare students to serve as positive role models for their peers by encouraging other high school students to take more science and math courses.

 To be eligible for the SEAP program, students should have completed at least grade 9 (graduating seniors are eligible to apply) and must be 16 years of age (although some laboratories may accept a 15 year-old applicant).

As part of the SEAP program, participating students will spend 8 weeks during the summer doing research. The program dates are fixed and cannot be changed and students are expected to participate in 8 continuous weeks – no vacation time is allowed during these eight weeks.

SEAP strongly recommends that students apply to laboratories that are close to their residence as no travel or relocation allowances will be provided.

Participating students will receive $3,075 for the 8 week program that will be paid in two installments.

Applications are due on January 7, 2011 at 5:30 pm EST and the deadline for references is
January 14, 2011

Monday, December 6, 2010

LEAD Academic Programs

  The LEAD program is committed to helping high achieving youth convert their potential into responsible leadership. To accomplish this goal, LEAD has created three programs for youth: LEAD Business, LEAD Engineering and LEAD Global.

The LEAD Business opportunity is available for high school juniors who have a 3.0 GPA or better and who are involved in their schools and communities. During LEAD Business, students develop Summer Business Institutes (SBIs), 3 to 4 week residential programs that immerse participants in a range of topics from finance and marketing, to e-commerce and entrepreneurship. LEAD students (LEADers) attend SBIs the summer of their junior year and this time serves as the foundation for lifelong partnerships between outstanding students and the nation's leading corporations and business schools.

The application process for LEAD Business is extremely competitive and applicants are evaluated based on PSAT and other standardized test scores, grade-point averages, teacher recommendations, and personal essays.

The LEAD Business application can be found here and the application deadline is January 25, 2011.

The LEAD Engineering program is for sophomores and juniors who have a strong interest in mathematics and the sciences. LEAD Engineering exists to introduce students of color with outstanding academic performance and demonstrated leadership skills to the field of engineering. The mission of LEAD Engineering is to lay the foundation through an intense curriculum for an increase in the number and quality of diversified students interested in careers in engineering and other technical fields.

The Summer Engineering Institute (SEI) curriculum focuses on electrical, mechanical, civil, computer and civil engineering as well as associated disciplines including chemical, biotech, biomolecular, materials science, aerospace, polymer-textile/fiber and technological systems.

The LEAD Engineering application can be found here and the application deadline is 
January 25, 2011.

The LEAD Global program is available for high school freshmen and sophomores who are ready to live and study abroad. The Global program exposes American students of color to global career opportunities alongside peers from different countries in one program so that all participants might make better informed decisions when choosing a college or profession. LEAD Global will take place in Cape Town, South Africa at the University of Cape Town.

The LEAD Global application can be found here and the application deadline is January 25, 2011.