LearnServe International is now accepting applications for their 2012 LearnServe Abroad program. This summer, LearnServe will have service-learning trips to: Jamaica, Paraguay and Zambia.
As a participant in a LearnServe program, you will see first-hand the difference that you can make in the lives of others. From working on issues like sustainable development to complicated world problems such as AIDS, you will be able to break these issues down into simple solutions that will change lives. These experiences, the friends you will make and the skills you will gain will change the way you see the world
and address its problems.
Each LearnServe Trip has an important service component and these experiences will give participants insight
into regions of the world that are struggling with pressing problems like
HIV/AIDS, poverty and education. Preparation includes cultural exposure
and prepares participants for their work with community-based
The cost for each program is: $2,950 for Jamaica, $3,600 for Paraguay and $4,750 for Zambia. While LearnServe offers financial aid on an as needed and a first-come, first served basis, all participants are encouraged to cover at least 50% of the cost of their trip. The online applications are due on Saturday, December 10, 2011 and students who apply by close of business on November 25 will receive a $65 early bird discount. In addition to the early-bird discount, LearnServe will also provide applicants with advice on fundraising activities.
Please visit http://learn-serve.org/ to find out more about the LearnServe program and their exciting work in Jamaica, Paraguay and Zambia.