Will you make it? Will you pass the test? Will you bring your best?
"I want to go to college but I don't know where to begin."
"I want nothing to do with college; I'm going to be a superstar!"
"I want to explore college, but no one is willing to talk to me about how to get there."
"My family insists I go to college, but I'm not sure if it's what I want to do."
"I'm asking for help, but no one seems to care what I do after high school."
"I don't even know if college is right for me."
YOUniversity is a ground breaking musical about the journey and struggles of getting to college from the perspective and stories of 35+ teens from the DC Metro area. The Summer Street Theater teen cast from City at Peace have written a powerful tale based on their real lives.
This year's City at Peace Street Theater production, YOUniversity, is designed to bring the conflicts and creative solutions of young people to a wider metropolitan and student audience, using performing arts as a vehicle for personal and social change and to talk deeper about the real issues teens have involving the topic of college. The project takes our original cast written musical out of the theater and into the streets and DCPS schools. Cast members train with technical professionals to become familiar with the audio, stage management and logistical aspects of producing a show.
The YOUniversity public performance is FREE and will be held on Wednesday, August 3rd at 6pm at the Minor Elementary School Parking Lot
601 15th Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
Together with partners who are also dedicated to youth development and leadership, City at Peace DC tours its original musical, reaching audiences with entertaining tales of cross cultural relationships, conflict resolution and challenges met and overcome. The free street show is produced and performed by young people, who demonstrate excellence in leadership, performance, management skills and technical proficiency while showcasing youth empowerment at its finest.
This production is in proud partnership with Youth Education Alliance, DC Public Schools, The Office of the State Superintendent of Education and The College Success Foundation
And supported by The DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation, The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, DC Public Schools and local donors and funders.
*Rain site will be held at the
Atlas Performing Arts Center
1333 H Street NE, Washington, DC 20002
Atlas Performing Arts Center
1333 H Street NE, Washington, DC 20002